Saturday, August 8, 2015

3) The CMBs and the Shrinking Matter Theory

The lack of bandwidth emissions pattern avoids us to determine exactly what actually the CMBs are. This could let us to various scenarios.
One is assuming the CMBs could be the first thermal emission lines. In this scenario, if we consider the CMBs are Lyman alpha emissions, we have:

Temperature: ______________56,15 K

Wavelength: ______________1,063214 mm

Energy: __________________0,024039 eV

WDC :____________________0,059703 mK

Z: _______________________8744,81

Another scenario is to assume the CMBs could be hydrogen fine structure emission lines. In this case, the redshift is negative (blue shift), and the radiation could be the remaining of the collapsed universe, which provided the energy to the emergence of the universe we know. In this case we have:

Temperature:_____________0,46721  K

Wavelength: ______________1,063214 mm

Energy: __________________2 x 10~-4  eV

WDC:__________________4,967462 x 10^-4 mK

Z (blueshift):_____________-0,99496253

The shrinking matter theory states that the constant Planck “h” varies along the time, so the energy of the emissions also varies with the time. In this scenario, there is a systematic error in our researches assuming that the observed waves, emitted in the past and detected in our devices have the same energy as the waves produced in our local frame. We shouldn’t forget that the waves with the same frequency can be added and give the impression that they are more energetic. The amount of energy of each wave could be determined by the receptor, but it may not represent the real emitted energy of the wave.

The CMBs are the most populous microwaves in the universe, as well the hydrogen is the most abundant element in nature, so, for now we should suppose (and state), the CMBs are the hydrogen fine structure emission lines of the collapsed universe which provided the energy to the emergence of the universe we know. I know it is a hard exercise for the minds which are indoctrinated in assuming the BB as a fact, but I hope you can. We know the CMBs are the most distant emissions detected, among the unresolved CXRBs, so, in this scenario, the wavelength of the CMB, compared with the hydrogen fine structure emission in our reference frame (21 cm), the negative redshift (blue shift), could only be attributed to the remaining fine structure emissions of the hydrogen in its collapsed last phase of the cyclic universe.
In this scenario, as issued later, the redshift is negative (blue shift), and can be calculated as follow:

 Z= (1,063214/211,06114)-1   =>

 Z = -0,99496253

Kh = (1+Z)^(1/3) = ( 1 - 0,99496253)^(1/3) =>

Kh = 0,171 423 684

The constant Planck h(f) in this scenario would be:  h(f) = Kh x h(o) =>
h (f) = 0,171 423 684 x 6,626 069 57 x 10^-34 =>

h (f) = 1,135 865 258 x 10^-34 Js

When we replace the h(o) by the h(f) in the formulae, we have:

r(f) = 1,555 pm  (Bohr radius)

Lyα(f) = 6,123975 Â

E (Lyα(f)) =347,248 eV

E (n=1) = -463 eV

T (Lyα(f))= 811 150,06 K

WDC * = 4,967462 x 10^-4 mK

In this transition, (Lyα(f)), the fine structure emission lines can happens in the ground state and would be:

Temperature:_______________0,46721  K

Wavelength:_______________1,063214 mm

Energy:___________________2 x 10^-4  eV

WDC:____________________4,967462 x 10^-4 mK

The unexpected and most important result in this scenario is that the Lyα(f) falls surprisingly in the lower end band of the unresolved CXRB (Cosmic X-Ray Background). So, the shrinking matter theory (in this scenario) could solve the origin of the CMB and the unresolved CXRB as being remnants of the past collapsed universe, and the future of this universe. Of course this needs further resources, but it is a strong evidence of the consistence of this theory.

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